500 days of life

We idealize life. I always knew this, but as I get older, I realize the truth of this fact. We idealize ourselves, our relationships and friendships. Sometimes, walking through life with a rose-colored lens helps, other times it sets us up for failure I don’t claim to be an expert on mental health and ideology,Continue reading “500 days of life”

Shit, happens.

2020. I bet your heart just skipped a beat. Dont worry, it’s not just you. I, too, want to adopt the fetal position and cry on my bathroom floor listening to early 2000s Coldplay, when I think of 2020. It has brought misery, confusion, fear of runny noses, a killer virus, a zombie apocalypse, nightContinue reading “Shit, happens.”

The Subtle Art of Friend-making

Life’s short. Okay, that’s really cliche. Let me start over. *Clears throat* Friends. Who the hell has those and how do you make them last? Are they like fireflies? Lighting up my life for a whole two seconds, before they fade away into the night sky. Or are they like every horror movie demon ever?Continue reading “The Subtle Art of Friend-making”


The days seem long and unintentional In a exercise of banality The hauntings of a life once lived Like a test of normality – The screams louder than the silence With a note of irrationality A view of the world shattered into pieces Like a futile search for liberality – Every freedom once taken forContinue reading “Open”

Ahahaha, jk. Unless..

Ash has a distinct, unique way of cracking jokes. Most of the times it’s when you least expect it, coming at you like comic relief you didn’t know you needed. This recurring theme of gravitating towards ‘funny’ people is not uncommon, as I have soon come to find out about myself. I have always foundContinue reading “Ahahaha, jk. Unless..”

Trio no. 3 : A sad, sad night

This is my bittersweet Trio no. 3 short story. For all those who can relate. It was a dark, stormy night. Actually, no. It was just a really dark night. The moon was playing hide and seek behind the clouds. Fun. I found myself lonely, longing for some company. I saw my beautiful little fridge inContinue reading “Trio no. 3 : A sad, sad night”